Free parking throughout the city for veterans is now available year-round.
With the emblematic red poppy pins starting to appear on people’s outfits and Remembrance Day just around the corner, the timing of the latest news for veterans seems fitting. The City of Vancouver approved a bylaw change yesterday that makes it so vehicles with veteran plates can park for free at meters and EasyPark lots within Vancouver during a new one-year-long pilot project. Vancouver’s City Council unanimously approved this change despite objections raised by city staff.
City Council approves by-law to pilot free parking for veterans at meters and EasyPark lots.
— City of Vancouver (@CityofVancouver) November 4, 2020
The provision of free parking to veterans is a small gesture used to recognize and value the contribution of those who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Previously, veterans were able to park for free only in the week leading up to Remembrance Day, but as of November 3 they can park for free throughout the year (still obeying the posted time limits) thanks to this recently approved pilot. Moving forward, City of Vancouver staff will monitor the project and report uptake and findings to City Council in fall 2021.
[Featured Image Source: Shutterstock]